Here at Adolescent Dogs, we offer a range of training options to suit every family, dog and lifestyle. We welcome dogs of all ages and breeds and have experience working with a wide variety of dogs and training struggles.
Whether you're a pet owner seeking to improve your relationship with your dog and to begin enjoying walks together, or if you're a professional wanting to improve your own skills, we have something to suit
Residential Dog Training
The fastest and most effective way to train your puppy or adult dog.
Your dog comes to live with one of our professional trainers in their home as part of the family to receive intensive training
We do the hard part for you, and then show you how to keep the training going. You'll benefit from owner training and 1 year access to our Online Academy
Nationwide collection available
Come and train with us in a group setting where you'll benefit from practical instruction and have the opportunity to practise training around controlled distractions.
There are a wide variety of classes available from our Canine Community Awards, Puppy Workshops, Calm Canine Workshops and UK Sniffer Dogs Scent Detection & Tracking
Available in Guildford & Winchester
Assistance Dogs
Our Online Assistance Dog Programme is open to dog owners worldwide who wish to train their dog to become their assistance dog.
We support Owner Trained Assistance Dogs, accepting applicants with a wide range of disabilities
Come learn with us online, building your dog's obedience skills and teaching essential tasks. You can earn your Assistance Dogs Awards from Puppy to Gold and Access Tests.
Online Academy
Learn with us online from anywhere in the world and get instant access to over 400 video tutorials, webinars, Live training demos, Live Q&A, training plans and a fantastic community.
There is a video for every training struggle, along with our personal support & coaching to guide you and your dog
Available worldwide
One to one
If you can't commit to a weekly class, you can come train with us one to one.
This is a great way to tackle specific training struggles and to get individual attention and guidance. We can still work around distractions, as well as in the locations where you need the training to work for you
Available in Ewhurst & Guildford
Practical Instructor
If you're a professional and want to improve your practical skills & knowledge, or you're at the start of your learning journey, come take a look at our Practical Instructor Courses
From Practical Instructor days, to learning how to run a Reactive Rehab Workshop, Puppy, Recall or Lead Walking Courses.