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Reactive Dog Social Skills Workshop

Sat, 23 Nov


Merrist Wood College

Teaching your over reactive dog social skills around other dogs and people, teaching them to be more neutral and responsive

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Reactive Dog Social Skills Workshop
Reactive Dog Social Skills Workshop

Time & Location

23 Nov 2024, 09:00 – 10:30

Merrist Wood College, Worplesdon, Guildford GU3 3PE, UK


About the event

Reactive Dog Social Skills Workshop with Mike Newland

Open to dogs who bark & lunge at other dogs through excitement, frustration or fear.

Date: Saturday 23rd November 9am to 10.30am

Location: Merrist Wood College, Worplesdon, Guildford

  • Does your dog run off to greet other dogs and then change their mind about the interaction?
  • Do they have poor social manners, greeting head-on and rub other dogs up the wrong way?
  • Do they bark when they see other dogs and struggle to dis-engage?
  • Do they bark when approached by other dogs?
  • Do they get negative attention from other dogs?

If you answered yes to the above, chances are your dog is poorly socialised! 

A well socialised dog is one who is neutral towards dogs/people, neither over excited or afraid of them and able to ignore them, readily able to engage with their owners and enjoy their walks with their family. 

If you want a dog who can ignore other dogs/people  and move on when asked, this is the workshop for you

We'll cover

  • Wait for permission to greet people/dogs
  • Come away from greetings on cue
  • Respond to a Leave it cue to learn to ignore dogs/people
  • Learn how to dis-engage readily
  • Teaching the Middle cue as a safe space to avoid certain interactions
  • Counter conditioning exercises to change your dog's emotional response
  • Learn about dog body language and understand why your dog doesn't interact well with other dogs
  • Discussion about socialisation - do's and don'ts

Suitable for dogs who bark at dogs or people (for any reason) . Class size is kept small (5 dogs maximum). This class is held outdoors so that there is space to give you and your dog so they can work at their own pace

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