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Adolescent Dogs
Jun 23, 20237 min read
When is it too hot to walk your dog?
It’s that time of year again where we’re constantly reminded of how dangerous the hot weather can be for our dogs. We’re reminded for...

Adolescent Dogs
Jun 16, 20237 min read
Managing Arousal in Dogs - Trigger Stacking 101
Ever wondered why your dog can walk past 10 dogs on a walk, but then on the 11th dog they start barking? Or why your dog can cope with...

Adolescent Dogs
Jun 14, 202310 min read
Male dogs, hormones and castration
The topic of castrating male dogs is complicated and everyone seems to have differing views, experiences and beliefs about it. This makes...

Adolescent Dogs
Jun 6, 20239 min read
When play biting escalates in the adolescent dog
When you bring a puppy home, you’re prepared for some level of mouthing and biting, and accept it’s a normal part of puppy development....

Adolescent Dogs
May 28, 20238 min read
Help! My dog barks at other dogs
As much as barking is a natural dog behaviour, it can be embarrassing, frustrating and scary if your dog barks at other dogs during...

Adolescent Dogs
May 10, 20238 min read
Two Puppies are Better Than One?
Puppies are undeniably cute and fun, we love their adorable antics, their clumsy ways and how they need us so much in those early days....

Adolescent Dogs
Apr 28, 20236 min read
The Guilty Look: Can dogs really feel guilty?
Have you ever walked into a room, looked at your dog and thought “what have you done?”. Maybe there are obvious signs of destruction, or...

Adolescent Dogs
Mar 31, 20234 min read
Waggy Tails and Happy Dogs?
It’s often assumed when a dog is wagging their tail, they’re happy or excited. We get confused when a dog is barking or acting...

Adolescent Dogs
Mar 31, 20237 min read
Resource guarding between dogs
If you live in a multi-dog household, you’re likely to be well practiced in managing your dogs around resources and avoiding any...

Adolescent Dogs
Mar 31, 20234 min read
Keeping your dog safe around Livestock
There is sometimes a significance placed on training dogs to listen around livestock, particularly sheep and cows, as though it’s a vital...

Adolescent Dogs
Mar 29, 20238 min read
Traffic chasing and the many faces of fear
We tend to picture a fearful dog with their tail tucked low, cowering or trembling and looking visibly scared. These assumptions make it...

Adolescent Dogs
Mar 27, 20236 min read
Dogs for Autism; can you train your own assistance dog?
There is growing awareness of the benefits dogs can bring to children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Autistic children...

Adolescent Dogs
Mar 25, 20235 min read
Are you bribing your dog?
When you’re using treats or toys to reward a dog for good behaviour, you will often hear people make comments like ‘it’s all bribery’ or...

Adolescent Dogs
Mar 14, 20237 min read
What is an assistance dog & what is the law?
Just like a wheelchair, walking stick, hearing aid or a pair of glasses, assistance dogs are important and necessary auxiliary aids....

Adolescent Dogs
Mar 11, 202310 min read
C-PTSD and Healing through Dog Training
“PTSD & C-PTSD can affect anyone who has been exposed to trauma – an event or events which provoked fear, helplessness, or horror in...

Adolescent Dogs
Mar 8, 20237 min read
Are your emotions affecting your dog's behaviour?
Anyone who has lived with an anxious dog has probably wondered at some point ‘Is it my fault?’ or ‘Have I made them anxious?’. Some...

Adolescent Dogs
Mar 6, 20238 min read
Are routines good or bad?
We are creatures of habit, as much as we might aspire to be free of routine and live spontaneously, many of us still have daily routines...

Adolescent Dogs
Feb 20, 20235 min read
How to stop your dog barking at the door
It feels quite unusual to meet dogs who never bark at the door, but why is it such a provoking situation for so many dogs and what can we...

Adolescent Dogs
Feb 18, 20238 min read
What Makes a Good Dog Trainer?
When it comes to choosing a dog trainer, it can appear to be quite straight-forward, there are so many options, all of whom will tell you...

Adolescent Dogs
Feb 16, 20238 min read
Understanding your dog's destructive behaviour & how to fix it
Why are some dogs so prone to destroying things, yet others never chew or shred anything in their whole life? If you’ve got a dog who...

Adolescent Dogs
Jan 27, 20238 min read
How to choose the right breed of dog
One of the questions I’m most commonly asked is ‘what’s the best breed of dog to get?’. I’m sure most dog professionals are asked this...

Adolescent Dogs
Jan 27, 20238 min read
Just drop the ball (resource guarding toys/items)
How many of us wish our dogs would just willingly drop a toy when we’re trying to play with them? If you have to chase your dog, wrestle...

Adolescent Dogs
Jan 22, 20236 min read
Assistance Dogs for PTSD / C-PTSD
Anyone who has lived with a dog can vouch for the many benefits they bring. The companionship, the fulfilling sense of responsibility,...

Adolescent Dogs
Jan 17, 20237 min read
Top 10 Safety Tips Around Dogs
It has been highlighted in recent years just how dangerous dogs can be and how quickly things can go wrong. Many of us confidently say...
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